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Say hello to an entirely new way members take an active role in their daily health and well-being. Today’s members are looking for an omnichannel digital door technology that improves engagement with their behavioral, clinical, and wellness care teams. They desire convenience with in-person and virtual appointment requests and more control over their healthcare experience. In short, it is a technology that is built different because today’s members are built different.


Easy Adoption

Device Agnostic


Increased Efficiencies


Appy Health significantly lowers technology fatigue by simplifying the capture and storage of thousands of critical personal data elements in a secure single repository. Members can now manage and share complete and accurate information under their sole discretion and control.

Personal Data Management

Private and Secure

Coverage Access

Appy Health delivers to the member a technology that exceeds expectations, with more in-network care options, quality ratings, and transparency when choosing how to manage their health and wellness spending.

Maximize Health Benefit Utilization

Maximize Healthcare Spending

Health Plan Benefits Simplified

Leverage Purchasing Power

Care Coordination

Our sophisticated members leverage every Appy Health resource to maximize their purchasing power for affordable care options, reducing access barriers to care, minimizing redundant testing, and finding care specialists.

Behavioral Health

Wellness Program

Care Navigation